Κυριακή 14 Μαΐου 2023

Berlin, 12 May 2023 World Heritage Watch Pressures UNESCO to Stop Destruction on the Acropolis of Athens. The international NGO calls for a discussion of the situation on its next session. https://world-heritage-watch.org/content/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/WHW-Press-Release-on-Acropolis-12-05-2023.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1eY9ar4-AB9Cfrv2yD3fC6RzMlP_bCgxiZ_c3KH81JN2MKog_q5lYHJqA "....Ignoring activities which are so obviously and blatantly destructive, and turning a deaf ear to the widespread criticism expressed by hundreds of international experts and civil society, will further erode what is left of the Credibility of the World Heritage Convention, devalue it as an instrument of Conservation, put its legitimacy for Capacity-building in question, render all efforts of Communicating its values obsolete, and negate its commitment to Communities...." https://world-heritage-watch.org/content/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/WHW-to-UNESCO-12-05-2023.pdf

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