Παρασκευή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2023
November 3, 1958: The Fabulous Johnny Cash -> https://musicthisday.com/ -> https://musicthisday.com/lists/ranked-albums/ranking-the-10-best-johnny-cash-albums The Fabulous Johnny Cash is the second studio album by American country singer Johnny Cash and his first to be released by Columbia Records. The album was released on November 3, 1958, not long after Cash's departure from Sun Records. #ThisDayInMusic #countrymusic #johnnycash
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- Amon Duul ll 1969 PHALLUS DEI
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- Caronte I
- Prima realtà
- Introduzione
- Introduzione (Remastered)
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- Parbleu!
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