Παρασκευή 30 Ιουνίου 2023
Πέμπτη 29 Ιουνίου 2023
Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου 2023
De la terre des origines Éthiopie Femme Mursi avec une Kalachnikov dans la basse vallée de l'Omo.🇪🇹 La tribu Mursi se trouve à l'extrême sud-ouest de l'Éthiopie, juste au nord de la frontière #Kenyan🇰🇪 dans la vallée de la rivière Omo. Ici, dans la lointaine vallée de l'Omo, les paléontologues ont découvert certains des plus anciens restes humains sur terre et les tribus qui y vivent aujourd'hui suivent encore de nombreuses pratiques anciennes. La tribu Mursi, qui compte moins de 15 000 personnes, est bien connue pour les grandes plaques que les femmes portent sur la lèvre inférieure. La coutume de porter une plaque à lèvres est liée à la fertilité de la femme et à son éligibilité au mariage. Lorsqu'une fille Mursi atteint la puberté (vers l'âge de 15 à 16 ans), elle se fait couper la lèvre par une femme membre de la tribu et un petit bâton en bois est inséré. La lèvre est ensuite lentement étirée sur une période de temps, d'abord en insérant des bâtons plus gros chaque nuit et éventuellement en portant des assiettes de différentes tailles et décorations. On dit qu'une femme qui ne porte pas de plaque à lèvres est considérée comme paresseuse et ne garantira pas une fortune aussi importante (une dot qui se compose généralement d'un certain nombre de bovins). Avec certaines plaques à lèvres atteignant jusqu'à 12 centimètres de diamètre, c'est assurément une marque de persévérance et de bravoure de la part de la femme qui la porte. Les lip pates, qui peuvent être fabriqués à partir de bois ou d'argile, sont généralement portés par les #femmes célibataires ou nouvellement mariées à quatre occasions principales : lorsqu'elles servent de la nourriture aux hommes, lors d'événements spéciaux (comme les mariages), lors de concours de duels de donga et lors de danses. Après un certain nombre d'années de mariage, la #femme peut lentement cesser de porter sa plaque à lèvres, la retirant complètement si son mari décède. Les jeunes hommes Mursi font leurs preuves auprès de leurs futures #épouses en participant à un donga, une forme de duel cérémoniel. Les prétendants portent un kit de duel connu sous le nom d'umoga, qui fournit une protection ainsi qu'une décoration, et implique généralement des protège-tibias en peau d'#animal. NSA
Lei, si è tornata lei, La reginetta del "disastro ambientale" con "salvamo er mondo sennò menca××o". Ottiene un nuovo ingaggio, il "russian climatic change" pro-ucraina, e sbotta con un tweet: Putin con la sua guerra andrebbe condannato per ecocidio, già, perché secondo la propaganda occidentale è responsabile per la diga di Nova Kakhovka, disastro sostenuto mostrando immagini dell'alluvione in Emilia, Nemmeno Fellini avrebbe realizzato un film migliore. Ebbrava Gretaaa 👏 👏 👏 Quindi il tuo silenzio sul sabotaggio del Nordstream2 che provoca un disastro ambientale fino a 14 milioni di tonnellate di co², è la conferma sia stata l'Ucraina. Ma la propaganda occidentale vieta di divulgare notizie che ledano la candida moralita dell'Ucraina. B U F F O N I Tramite Dario Tognoli
Σάρα Βάγκενκνεχτ : «Φωνή της λογικής» ή ένα ακόμη «τρολ του Πούτιν»; (Το παρακάτω (σημερινό) κείμενο είναι της γνωστής Γερμανίδας πολιτικού Σάρα Βάγκενκνεχτ (*) «Ο γερμανικός γίγαντας εξοπλισμών Rheinmetall στέλνει - εκ μέρους της Ολλανδίας και με την άδεια της γερμανικής κυβέρνησης - άλλα 14 άρματα μάχης Λεοπάρντ στην Ουκρανία. Η Δανία ξεκίνησε να εκπαιδεύει Ουκρανούς στρατιώτες σε μαχητικά αεροσκάφη F16. Η Ρωσία εγκαθιστά βάση πυρηνικών πυραύλων στη Λευκορωσία στα σύνορα του ΝΑΤΟ. Η γερμανική κυβέρνηση θέλει με τη σειρά της να στρατοπεδεύσει μόνιμα 4.000 στρατιώτες του Ομοσπονδιακού Στρατού στη Λιθουανία στα σύνορα με τη Ρωσία - ενάντια στις διατάξεις του Συμφώνου ΝΑΤΟ-Ρωσίας, που μέχρι στιγμής εμπόδισαν τα στρατεύματα του ΝΑΤΟ να εγκατασταθούν μόνιμα στις χώρες του πρώην Ανατολικού Μπλοκ. «Σήμερα κάνουμε ειρήνη», υποσχέθηκε ο τότε Γάλλος πρόεδρος Σιράκ, όταν αυτή η πράξη υπογράφηκε πανηγυρικά πριν από 25 χρόνια. «Η συμφωνία θα φέρει σταθερότητα στην Ευρώπη και πέρα» δήλωσε ο τότε Ρώσος πρόεδρος Γελτσίν. Και τώρα; Στην Ουάσιγκτον, στις Βρυξέλλες και στο Βερολίνο, προφανώς ετοιμάζονται για έναν πόλεμο διάρκειας με τη Ρωσία. Μια πολιτική μαζικού εξοπλισμού, αποτροπής και σύγκρουσης υποτίθεται ότι διασφαλίζει την ασφάλειά μας – όμως συμβαίνει το αντίθετο. Η σπείρα της κλιμάκωσης ξεκίνησε πολύ πριν από τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία και συνεχίζει να περιστρέφεται. Ο πόλεμος του Κοσσυφοπεδίου, η επέκταση του ΝΑΤΟ προς ανατολάς, η κατάρρευση της εκλεγμένης κυβέρνησης του 2014 στην Ουκρανία και ο εμφύλιος πόλεμος που ακολούθησε - πολλά γεγονότα διηγούνται την προϊστορία του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία. Μέσα σε λίγα χρόνια καταστράφηκαν όλα όσα έχτισαν πολιτικοί όπως ο Βίλλυ Μπραντ και όσα έφεραν ειρήνη και ασφάλεια στην Ευρώπη επί δεκαετίες, αλλά κατέστησαν επίσης εφικτή και την γερμανική ενοποίηση. Πρέπει να επιστρέψουμε στην πολιτική ύφεσης του Βίλλυ Μπραντ! Όλο και περισσότερα όπλα δεν θα φέρουν ειρήνη στην Ευρώπη! Ξοδεύονται εκατοντάδες δισεκατομμύρια, με τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να χρηματοδοτηθούν πολύ πιο σημαντικά πράγματα!» ΥΓ. Ο καθένας ας βγάλει τα συμπεράσματά του. Πάντως ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία μοιάζει πλέον με ασταμάτητη «κρεατομηχανή», με την διπλωματία να έχει κυριολεκτικά παγώσει και τον λόγο να έχουν εξαρχής μόνο τα «γεράκια του πολέμου» με αποτέλεσμα η ασφάλεια και η ειρήνη στην Ευρώπη να είναι πιο ασταθείς από ποτέ μετά από τον Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. (*) Η Σ. Βάγκενκνεχτ προέρχεται από το κόμμα “Die Linke”, έχει μεγάλη επιρροή στην κοινή γνώμη και διαγράφτηκε πρόσφατα από το κόμμα της εξαιτίας των θέσεών της για το μεταναστευτικό, τις ταυτότητες και του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία). Από: Βασίλης Στοϊλόπουλος
Il guerriero non è uno che combatte, perché nessuno ha il diritto di togliere un'altra vita. Il guerriero, per noi, è colui che si sacrifica per il bene degli altri. Suo compito è prendersi cura degli anziani, degli indifesi, di coloro che non possono provvedere a se stessi e, soprattutto, dei bambini, futuro dell'umanità. Toro Seduto, Hunkpapa Sioux.
Τρίτη 27 Ιουνίου 2023
Κυριακή 25 Ιουνίου 2023
Σάββατο 24 Ιουνίου 2023
Παρασκευή 23 Ιουνίου 2023
Ίσως ήταν η ωραιότερη μορφή διαμαρτυρίας. Όταν ο πολιτισμός δίνει ρεσιτάλ. EΞΙ ΚΑΡΥΑΤΙΔΕΣ ΑΝΑΖΗΤΟΥΝ ΤΗΝ ΑΔΕΛΦΗ ΤΟΥΣ ΣΤΟ ΛΟΝΔΙΝΟ Αυτό που είχε συμβεί ένα Σαββατοκύριακο στο Λονδίνο ξεπέρασε κάθε προηγούμενη εκδήλωση διαμαρτυρίας. Σάββατο η Ελληνίδα σοπράνο Σόνια Θεοδωρίδου συνοδευόμενη από έξι σύγχρονες Ελληνίδες Καρυάτιδες, ντυμένες με αρχαιοελληνικά φορέματα, μπήκαν στο Βρετανικό Μουσείο για να συναντήσουν την αρπαγμένη από τον Λόρδο Έλγιν Καρυάτιδα του Ερεχθείου της Ακρόπολης των Αθηνών. Η Σόνια Θεοδωρίδου όσο και οι έξι Καρυάτιδες ταξίδεψαν αεροπορικώς φορώντας τους χιτώνες τους και ενδεδυμένες με τα παραδοσιακά μας φορέματα έφτασαν στο Λονδίνο, πήραν το Μετρό κι έφτασαν στο Βρετανικό Μουσείο, όπως μπορείτε να δείτε και στις φωτογραφίες που ακολουθούν. Πολλοί από τους ανθρώπους που βρίσκονταν στις αίθουσες του Βρετανικού Μουσείου έβαλαν τα κλάματα, ενώ η ασφάλεια του Βρετανικού Μουσείου που αρχικά ήταν εχθρική με τη διαμαρτυρία των Ελληνίδων στη συνέχεια άλλαξε στάση και έγινε φιλική, όπως διαβάσαμε στη σελίδα της Σόνιας Θεοδωρίδου στο facebook. Η σοπράνο Σόνια Θεοδωρίδου συνοδευόμενη από έξι πανέμορφες Ελληνίδες ντυμένες στα λευκά, ως άλλες Καρυάτιδες, μπήκαν στο Βρετανικό μουσείο αναζητώντας την χαμένη «αδερφή τους», προκαλώντας το ενδιαφέρον τόσο των τουριστών αλλά και όσων επισκέπτονταν εκείνη την ώρα το μουσείο. Ο κόσμος έκανε στην άκρη για να περάσουν. Ολοι αναρωτιόνταν τι συμβαίνει. Ακόμη και οι υπεύθυνοι του μουσείου. Μόλις αντιλήφθηκαν πως έψαχναν μέσα στην σιωπή, την έκτη Καρυάτιδα, αφού δεν την έβρισκαν, οι ίδιοι τις οδήγησαν σε αυτήν. Πηγή: Marily Kretsi
ON THIS DATE (51 YEARS AGO) June 23, 1972 - Jethro Tull: Living in the Past is released. # ALL THINGS MUSIC PLUS+ 5/5 # Allmusic 4.5/5 stars Living in the Past is a double album by Jethro Tull, released in the UK on June 23, 1972 (October 1972 in the US). It contains album tracks, outtakes, the "Life Is a Long Song" EP, and all of their singles non-lp tracks except "Aeroplane", "Sunshine Day", "One for John Gee", "17" and the original United Kingdom version of "Teacher" (the United States single version, included in the US version of Benefit, was included instead). With hit albums like Benefit and Aqualung (as well as a spectacular live show), Jethro Tull became one of rock's most popular bands by the early '70s. While many were quick to categorize its music as prog-rock (à la Yes, Genesis, etc.), Tull also dabbled in folk, jazz, heavy metal, and blues. After the success of the band's previous two albums, Chrysalis Records issued the double album Living in the Past, a mix of hits, important album tracks, single/EP-only material, and previously unreleased live tracks. As longtime fans know, and as Living in the Past makes clear, Jethro Tull produced a wealth of great songs outside of their hits. The best-known song in this collection is undoubtedly the title track, while "Song for Jeffrey," "Witches Promise," and "Hymn 43" also remain classic rock radio staples. There are also numerous lesser-known highlights, many of which were compiled from singles and EPs and are therefore otherwise difficult to obtain. Living in the Past, then, is a treasure trove for Tull fans, and a fine place for the uninitiated to start exploring this ambitious band. __________ Jethro Tull web 'Living In The Past' was named after the single released in May 1969 and was released in an elaborate gate-fold packaging that contained a large colour photo booklet with over 50 photos of the band. Two songs, "By Kind Permission Of" and "Dharma for One", were recorded live at Carnegie Hall. "Love Story", "Christmas Song", "Living in the Past", "Driving Song", "Sweet Dream" and "Witch's Promise", some of which had only appeared on mono versions before, were given new stereo remixes for inclusion on the album. Additionally, "A Song for Jeffrey" and "Teacher" were also remixed. Many of the tracks only appeared as British releases before being compiled on Living in the Past for the first time in the American market. In the United States, Living in the Past was the first Jethro Tull album to appear on the Chrysalis Records label; while each of the band's previous albums were marked as "a Chrysalis Production", the albums were released by Warner Bros. Records' Reprise Records subsidiary. Early U.S. editions of Living in the Past bore both a Chrysalis catalogue number (2CH 1035) and a Reprise catalogue number (2TS 2106), suggesting that the album was scheduled to appear on Reprise Records but that Chrysalis gained control of the band's USA releases in late 1972. __________ REVIEW Bruce Eder, allmusic Listen to this collection, put together to capitalize on the explosive growth in the group's audience after Aqualung, and it's easy to understand just how fine a group Jethro Tull was in the early '70s. Most of the songs, apart from a few heavily played album tracks ("Song for Jeffrey," etc.) and a pair of live tracks from a 1970 Carnegie Hall show, came off of singles and EPs that, apart from the title song, were scarcely known in America, and it's all so solid that it needs no apology or explanation. Not only was Ian Anderson writing solid songs every time out, but the group's rhythm section was about the best in progressive rock's pop division. Along with any of the group's first five albums, this collection is seminal and essential to any Tull collection, and the only compilation by the group that is a must-own disc. TRACKS: All songs by Ian Anderson, except as noted. Side one "A Song for Jeffrey" – 3:20 "Love Story" – 3:02 "Christmas Song" – 3:05 "Living in the Past" – 3:20 "Driving Song" – 2:39 "Bourée" – 3:43 (Bach arr. Jethro Tull) Side two "Sweet Dream" – 4:02 "Singing All Day" – 3:03 "Teacher" – 4:08 "Witch's Promise" – 3:49 "Inside" - 3:49 "Just Trying to Be" – 1:36 Side three: Recorded live at Carnegie Hall for the benefit of Phoenix House, 4 November 1970 "By Kind Permission Of" (instrumental) – 10:11 (John Evan) "Dharma for One" – 9:45 (Ian Anderson/Clive Bunker) Side four "Wond'ring Again" – 4:12 "Locomotive Breath" – 4:24 "Life Is a Long Song" – 3:18 "Up the 'Pool" – 3:10 "Dr. Bogenbroom" – 2:59 "For Later" (instrumental) – 2:06 "Nursie" – 1:38 #jethrotull #livinginthepast #iananderson
Πέμπτη 22 Ιουνίου 2023
"Clutching At Straws" Marillion This is the fourth studio album by the (neo)progressive rock band Marillion. It was produced by Chris Kimsey and released on 22nd June 1987 through EMI. 'Clutching At Straws' was the last album with original lead singer Fish, who left the band in 1988. #Proggers #marillion Fish
Τετάρτη 21 Ιουνίου 2023
ON THIS DATE (54 YEARS AGO) June 21, 1969 - Deep Purple: Deep Purple is released. # ALL THINGS MUSIC PLUS+ 4/5 # Allmusic 4.5/5 stars Deep Purple (also referred to as Deep Purple III), is the third studio album by Deep Purple, released in the US on June 21, 1969. It is the last album with the original lineup. What's often taken for granted about Deep Purple Mk 1 is that inside nine months they recorded three studio albums and a non-album single... prolific isn't the word. Those early releases have been described as lacking direction. In reality, the band was still coming to grips with a wonderful new sound which seemed to work with virtually any type of music, and which did not limit them to a set direction. Every musical avenue was open, and the first to bring success was pop. Debut single 'Hush' was a huge US hit, climbing into the Billboard top five. Soon afterward their very aptly titled first album 'Shades Of Deep Purple' was scaling the album charts. There was hardly a pause for breath. A major American tour was booked for October 1968, and second album 'The Book Of Taliesyn' was recorded and rush-released to coincide. It followed the same basic formula as the first; a mix of Vanilla Fudge style covers (ie. expanded, slowed down and steamrollered), classical interludes, and self-written pieces packed with every musical idea that could be shoehorned in. However, the music had become more uncompromising. It was developing an edge at odds with their unwelcome pigeon-holing as a pop act. Follow-up singles 'Kentucky Woman' and 'River Deep, Mountain High' still did reasonably well, however, indeed Purple's 'River Deep..' outperformed the classic Ike & Tina Turner version in the US charts. When US sales began to slide (a non-album single 'Emmaretta' went nowhere fast in early 1969) so did the reasoning to keep the band as it was. Despite carrying a wide spectrum of interesting and intricate music, their third album (the eponymous 'Deep Purple'), was not the way forward, and the line up that recorded it was history by the time of release in June. In May 1969 Paice, Lord, and Blackmore decided to take the plunge and concentrate on the increasingly dominant hard rock and classical elements in their music, leaving behind the pop and commercial side, and aiming at the UK and European rock circuit. Some of the earlier album material lent itself well to the superb improvised instrumental skills of the musicians, but new, dynamic songs were also needed. Nick Simper and Evans, now seen as being unsuited to the band, were to be replaced. The split was not as straightforward as it could have been, both Simper and Evans were kept uninformed as long as possible. Even after their replacements Ian Gillan and Roger Glover (from Episode Six) had already been enlisted and begun recording and rehearsing with the band, Simper and Evans remained in the dark and continued to play live with the band for some time. Neither was pleased with eventually hearing of their impending fate through the musicians' grapevine. Deep Purple was released at a time when the band was starting to grow as performers, both live and in the studio, finding their direction musically. There were some conflicts over whether the band should continue on their rawer, heavier direction. This caused turmoil, which was partially responsible for two of the members, Nick Simper (bass) and Rod Evans (vocals), being replaced. Commercially, this album was the least successful of the three Mark I era albums. __________ REVIEW Bruce Eder, allmusic This is a record that even those who aren't Deep Purple fans can listen to two or three times in one sitting -- but then, this wasn't much like any other album that the group ever issued. Actually, Deep Purple was highly prized for many years by fans of progressive rock, and for good reason. The group was going through a transition -- original lead singer Rod Evans and bassist Nick Simper would be voted out of the lineup soon after the album was finished (although they weren't told about it until three months later), organist Jon Lord and guitarist Ritchie Blackmore having perceived limitations in their work in terms of where each wanted to take the band. And between Lord's ever-greater ambitions toward fusing classical and rock and Blackmore's ever-bolder guitar attack, both of which began to coalesce with the session for Deep Purple in early 1969, the group managed to create an LP that combined heavy metal's early, raw excitement, intensity, and boldness with progressive rock's complexity and intellectual scope, and virtuosity on both levels. On "The Painter," "Why Didn't Rosemary?," and, especially, "Bird Has Flown," they strike a spellbinding balance between all of those elements, and Evans' work on the latter is one of the landmark vocal performances in progressive rock. "April," a three-part suite with orchestral accompaniment, is overall a match for such similar efforts by the Nice as the "Five Bridges Suite," and gets extra points for crediting its audience with the patience for a relatively long, moody developmental section and for including a serious orchestral interlude that does more than feature a pretty tune, exploiting the timbre of various instruments as well as the characteristics of the full ensemble. Additionally, the band turns in a very successful stripped-down, hard rock version of Donovan's "Lalena," with an organ break that shows Lord's debt to modern jazz as well as classical training. In all, amid all of those elements -- the orchestral accompaniment, harpsichord embellishments, and backward organ and drum tracks -- Deep Purple holds together astonishingly well as a great body of music. This is one of the most bracing progressive rock albums ever, and a successful vision of a musical path that the group might have taken but didn't. Ironically, the group's American label, Tetragrammaton Records, which was rapidly approaching bankruptcy, released this album a lot sooner than EMI did in England, but ran into trouble over the use of the Hieronymus Bosch painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" on the cover; although it has been on display at the Vatican, the work was wrongly perceived as containing profane images and never stocked as widely in stores as it might've been. [The 2000 remastered edition on the Spitfire label, by way of EMI, sounds magnificent and offers five bonus tracks: a killer hard rock B-side, "Emmaretta," showcasing a slashing Ritchie Blackmore guitar break, and a looser, more flowing BBC-recorded version of the latter song, plus "Lalena" and "The Painter" and a harder alternate take of "The Bird Has Flown."] TRACKS: Evans, Ritchie Blackmore, Simper, Jon Lord, Ian Paice except noted. Side one 1 Chasing Shadows (Jon Lord, Ian Paice) - 5:34 2 Blind (Lord) - 5:26 3 Lalena (Donovan Leitch) - 5:05 4 Medley (Blackmore, Nick Simper, Lord, Paice) - 5:38 Fault Line The Painter Side two 1 Why Didn't Rosemary? - 5:04 2 Bird Has Flown (Evans, Blackmore, Lord) - 5:36 3 April (Blackmore, Lord) - 12:10 #deeppurple
Τρίτη 20 Ιουνίου 2023
Δευτέρα 19 Ιουνίου 2023
ON THIS DATE (44 YEARS AGO) June 19, 1979 - Blue Öyster Cult: Mirrors is released. # ALL THINGS MUSIC PLUS+ 4/5 # Allmusic 4/5 stars Mirrors is the sixth studio album by American hard rock band Blue Öyster Cult, released on June 19, 1979. It reached #44 on the Billboard 200 Top LPs & Tapes chart and #46 on the UK Albums Chart. The single “In Thee” reached #74 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Mirrors is the first BÖC album not produced by long-time producer and manager Sandy Pearlman, instead being produced by Tom Werman. After the success of 1976's Platinum Agents of Fortune, 1977's Gold Spectres and 1978's Platinum live effort Some Enchanted Evening, the fact is that Mirrors struggled in its attempt to reach those levels. __________ COVER The cover of the album is not a photo of a rearview mirror, but a painting by Loren Salazar (according to Eric Bloom, "quite famous in the Seattle area"). If you look closely on the left side of the album cover, two sperm cells can be seen painted in the clouds and sky. __________ ORIGINAL ROLLING STONE REVIEW By Mitchell Schneider, November 29, 1979 On a purely technical level, Mirrors is probably Blue Öyster Cult's best record. Produced by Tom Werman, the sound is generally immaculate, lush and tasty, not to mention diverse. Scattered throughout are strings, a synthesizer, acoustic guitars, a harmonica and soulful female voices crooning harmonies. Big deal. It'd be ridiculous to call the Cult's eighth album a major disappointment. Except for the classic "(Don't Fear) the Reaper," these guys never really made any promises with their heavy-metal repertoire—there was, in fact, nothing at stake. The band's alternating lead vocalists rarely projected as much danger and wickedness as the music did, and songs like "Cities on Flame" and "This Ain't the Summer of Love" always struck me as hysterical and shallow. Ah, but the bone-crushing chords and absolutely dizzying guitar lines! Neither of which is found on Mirrors, an LP that foolishly advances the sharp but sterile production values of Spectres. While the new record certainly rocks on occasion ("The Vigil," "I Am the Storm"), it never explodes, as some of last year's live Some Enchanted Evening did. What Blue Öyster Cult obviously had in mind was to make a nice album, and given songs as cheery as "You're Not the One (I Was Looking For)," "In Thee" and "Dr. Music," I guess you can say they've succeeded. Coinciding with the group's fascination for restraint and pleasantness, however, is an unprecedented lameness. The bargain-basement synthesizer and wimpily delivered narrative in "The Great Sun Jester" are right off a Styx LP. And lyrics like "In a purple vision/Many thousand years ago/I saw the silent stranger/Walk the earth alone" give Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" some mighty stiff competition. For Blue Öyster Cult, it's time to fear the reaper. (RS 305) __________ TRACKS: Side one 1. "Dr. Music" ( Joe Bouchard, Donald Roeser, Richard Meltzer) - 3:10 2. "The Great Sun Jester" (Bloom, Michael Moorcock, John Trivers) - 4:48 3. "In Thee" (Allen Lanier) - 3:48 4. "Mirrors" (D. Roeser, Bruce Abbott) - 3:44 5. "Moon Crazy" (J. Bouchard) - 4:06 Side two 1. "The Vigil” (D. Roeser, Sandra Roeser) - 6:25 2. "I Am the Storm" (J. Bouchard, Ronald Binder) - 3:42 3. "You're Not the One (I Was Looking For)" (Albert Bouchard, Caryn Bouchard)- 3:14 4. "Lonely Teardrops" (Lanier) - 3:37 #BlueOysterCult #mirrors
Κυριακή 18 Ιουνίου 2023
Σάββατο 17 Ιουνίου 2023
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- Jethro Tull - Aqualung (Ian Anderson Plays The Orc...
- Samba Pa Ti
- All Along the Watchtower
- [Don't Fear] The Reaper
- Light My Fire
- De la terre des origines Éthiopie Femme Mursi avec...
- Siamo un gregge, gli "allevamenti intensivi" inqui...
- Lei, si è tornata lei, La reginetta del "disastro ...
- Σάρα Βάγκενκνεχτ : «Φωνή της λογικής» ή ένα ακόμη ...
- Il guerriero non è uno che combatte, perché nessun...
- 🔴 Adieu Macron 2027 ▶ https://l.bfmtv.com/gKZ
- Sans commentaire...
- A road in the Gobi Deserts، China Engineering Dis...
- Deirios de verano
- Mike Oldfield - Hergest Ridge 1974
- Mike Oldfield - Hergest Ridge Part One mix
- Yes - Into the Lens (2008 Remaster)
- The Mars Volta - Son et Lumiere
- Released on this day in 2003, The Mars Volta - De-...
- La belle vie ! Bon Week-end à tou(te)s !!!
- In the summertime everything is gonna be alright
- #beautiful #home Zappeion and Panathinaikon Stad...
- Soleil et sable !
- Jethro Tull - Living in The Past
- Dream Theater - Black Clouds & Silver Linings.
- Released on this day in 2009, Dream Theater - Blac...
- There is a moment when dissent becomes a duty. Sat...
- Ίσως ήταν η ωραιότερη μορφή διαμαρτυρίας. Όταν ο π...
- Ci so’ più specie animali a Roma che alle Galapagos
- ON THIS DATE (51 YEARS AGO) June 23, 1972 - Jethro...
- Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) Tragedy and Comedy. The ...
- "JIMI" - the ultimate tribute to the greatest guit...
- Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Live in Berlin)
- The Cranberries - Zombie (Official Music Video)
- Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good
- Goblin - Profondo Rosso • Single • Goblin (Origina...
- Radioactivity (2009 Remaster)
- Ethnicolor (Remastered)
- Mirage
- Master of the Universe (1996 Remaster)
- Marillion - Clutching at Straws
- Un dubbio lecito. Μία εύλογη αμφιβολία.
- #SaveJulianAssange
- "Clutching At Straws" Marillion This is the four...
- Get Ready
- [I Know] I'm Losing You
- Carry on Wayward Son
- Deep Purple - Deep Purple III
- ON THIS DATE (54 YEARS AGO) June 21, 1969 - Deep P...
- Τιτανικός: Για 111 χρόνια αφαιρεί δισεκατομμυριούχ...
- Sunday Morning
- Berlin (1973 Version)
- Bon début d'été à toutes et a tous !
- Frank Zappa - Dupree's Paradise (1973)
- Summer Aura | AntiParos • • • #265architects #cont...
- Ain't Nobody But Me (Live At Pavillon de Paris/1979)
- JUNETEENTH Celebrating the victory and liberty of ...
- Spyro Gyra live | Leverkusener Jazztage 2022 | Jaz...
- #cambio #gomme #superfast
- Barcley James Harvest - Child Of The Universe
- Blue Oyster Cult - Mirrors
- ON THIS DATE (44 YEARS AGO) June 19, 1979 - Blue Ö...
- The Bounty (1984) Isolated Score by Vangelis (Sample)
- Vangelis - Heaven and Hell, Pt. II (Audio)
- Vangelis - Heaven and Hell, Pt. I (Audio)
- Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McGee (Official Music ...
- Big Brother and the Holding Company - Ball And Cha...
- Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You
- The Pusher
- Highway Song
- Mirror to the Sky
- Dove
- Chameleon
- Butterfly
- The Look Of Love
- Zoom
- Che tu possa aver sempre aria per respirare,fuoco ...
- PINK FLOYD "In A World Full Of Flowers" (pure weed...
- Zero The Hero And The Orgasm Witch
- Glad To Sad To Say
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (141)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (88)

- morganflag
- ART AND MUSIC" "be quiet" AND ENJOY THE MUSIC! Plus de 327.000 visiteurs sur cette blogspot. Merci de votre fidélité https://morganflag.blogspot.com - Facebook Blogger. Avant Garde Music. Performing Arts. Satire/ Parody. 100.000 grazie! a tutti quelli che la sequono... Please Rate and Comment "La musica e` di tutti, musica gratis" ''La filosofia e` la musica piu grande.La filosofia e` musica perenne.La musica e` amore di bellezza.Colui che possiede anima musicale potra` amare gli uomini." "Education is second sun for humans'' Plato "Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse." Aristote “Be a free thinker, don’t accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe.” — Aristotle "...E` nell` interesse del tiranno di tenere la sua gente in poverta, cosi che non possono permettersi il costo delle armi con cui proteggersi da soli, e che siano cosi occupati dal lavoro quatidiano che non abbiano tempo di pensare a ribellarsi." -Aristotele La musique donne une âme à nos coeurs et des ailes à la pensée. PLATON